Friday, 30 October 2015

My senses came alive in ROOM

It is very rare for me to be completely consumed in watching a movie. I’m usually over analyzing each scene trying to figure out the climax before it happens. I’m almost always successful and it drives my husband nuts when we watch movies together, because I blurt out my plot predictions and spoil it for him. But not this time, for two hours you could hear a pin drop in the theatre as the audience, including me, were transfixed on the screen.

The first half of the movie felt like five minutes. I was on the edge of my seat hanging on each scene transition. The other half of the movie felt longer like a slow and steady incline of emotion followed by a steep dive into inspiration. It was one of the best movies I’ve seen in years. It was all thanks to Jacob Tremblay the actor who played Jack, a five year old boy who has never left “Room”.

The audiences knows before going in that Jack and his mom Joy, played by Brie Larson, are being held captive in a small shed in the backyard of some creepy guy that they call Old Nick. I honestly thought to myself that this is going to be your typical plot of mom and son triumphing by escaping and go on to live a normal lives, but I was wrong.

Yes they escape, but the story isn’t about that triumph. It’s about Jack’s amazing interpretations of the world as he sees it for the first time. His simply and eloquent perspective leave your psyche forever altered and wondering how Jack makes it so easy to see the beauty in it all.

In the end I felt that Joy and Jack’s experience in "Room" left them awakened to a unique bond they share be being each other’s strength to survive. That’s the beauty of great storytelling, when the audience’s expectations are altered to inflict and completely different experience. One that leaves you deep in thought as a result of its impact.

There is nothing more for me to say than for you to go and see it for yourself. I promise you won’t regret it, but my advice is to bring tissues. 

Watch the trailer:

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